Category Archives: Business

My Business Just Got Sued! Now What?
Thousands of lawsuits are filed in the United States every year, with Florida’s courts seeing numbers in five figures most of the time. A slight majority of them are civil cases, which are cases where a conviction will require a defendant to pay damages instead of serving time in jail. Despite how commonplace they… Read More »

Are Non-Compete Agreements Still Enforceable In Florida?
Non-compete agreements (NCAs) are instruments used by businesses to restrict their employees’ ability to work for competitors. However, a business wishing to impose a non-compete agreement on a departing employee must be certain that they are doing so appropriately. Most businesses use NCAs in an effort to protect trade secrets, which is a valid… Read More »

Selling Your Florida Business
It can be difficult to make the decision to sell your business, particularly if you have spent years building it from the ground up. However, there are some times when selling up is the best option, and in order to make the transaction as smooth as possible, consulting an attorney can make a difference…. Read More »

Understanding Florida Employment Contracts
Most employees in the United States work on an “at will” basis. This means that both employee and employer can end the relationship “at will,” with some exceptions based on public policy. That said, some employees are hired via contract, and employment contracts are governed by specific provisions of Florida law. If you have… Read More »

Does My Company Need In-House Counsel?
When a small business begins to see success, it is with the work of countless people both behind the scenes and on the proverbial front line. One of the most important performers for many businesses is their attorney – but not every business needs to have counsel in-house. Depending on several different factors, your… Read More »

Can I Move My Business To Florida?
Data from the U.S. Census shows that over the last decade, Florida has seen an increase in population of almost 15 percent. With this increase in residents comes an increase in businesses, as many will choose to move their enterprises to their new home state instead of starting fresh. There are positives and negatives… Read More »

How To Dissolve Your Florida Business Smoothly
No one wants to consider dissolving their business in most situations. However, there may come a day when it becomes necessary, and if that does occur for your company, it is imperative that you and your partners understand how to do it well. Contacting a knowledgeable attorney is crucial; if you do not, you… Read More »

Can I Allow Employees To Work Remotely In My Florida Business?
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, working remotely has become a more viable option for many companies and their employees. Statistics estimate that between 12 and 15 percent of U.S. workers operate fully remotely, while around 30 percent work a hybrid schedule that sees them in the office a few days a… Read More »

How To Protect My Florida Business During Divorce
The old adage about half of marriages ending in divorce is true, according to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau – but only for first marriages, as second and third marriages end at an even higher rate, and do so faster. When a divorce is happening, the spouses generally divide their assets equitably (fairly),… Read More »

Am I Liable If My Business Is Sued?
Most business owners are closely involved in and connected to their enterprise, whether via investment or working day-to-day in its operations. However, there are varying levels of involvement. When a business is sued, its high ranking officers are usually not personally liable for the company’s alleged misdeeds. That said, there are exceptions to this… Read More »